[Hack a Day] 1 New Entry: CatGenie hacking

CatGenie hacking


[ScottSEA] has 15 cats. As you can imagine, with 15 cats, a simple litter box just doesn’t cut it. [ScottSEA] uses the CatGenie. While a self cleaning cat toilet is a technical marvel, it has one major drawback. Much like an ink jet printer, it has disposable cartridges. Those cartridges, just ike some print cartridges, have a built in counter that disables them after so many uses. After adding up the totals for 15 cats worth of cartridge use, [ScottSEA] started hacking.  He has posted directions on how to manually refill them, as well as reset the internal counter using an Arduino.

We suggest that he find a way to harness all that cat power for his home electronics. How many watts could you produce per cat?


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